For those of you anxious to compare the cost of utilities with your own (and I know you are legion), here are our gas and water bills.

We have a gas hot water heater--we turn it up only when we need hot water for bathing--and a gas stove. The bill is the equivalent of $29. Water is $12. A month. We have no sewer or garbage bills. That leaves electricity (don't know yet; it comes every two months) and computer hookup ($10). We also spend about $10 a week to get our clothes washed, since we are doing without a washing machine (for now). A lot cheaper than our bills in our last abode, where our heating bill would be about $300 per month right now and the water/sewer/garbage collection bill was always about $75.
The bottle holding the bills down is our third different kind of cold medication, recommended by Alma in the bread store.