Monday, April 16, 2012


A different guy from the regular crew, an aluminum guy, is putting up see-through roofs outside the back door and over the space where the water heater lives:

Trini's gang is making a surround for the lime tree:

And they are putting in cantera tile on the patio.  Check out those plants:

The nursery that is within walking distance had 5 different kinds of jasmine.  We got 6 jasmines and 10 lavenders.  We have the impression that plant varieties are not significant to buyers here.  The jasmines were labeled "jasmine, planta de sol (jasmine, sun)."  We'd really like to know the varieties.  One of them looks completely different from the rest.  But nobody at the nursery seemed to know.

The steps look done to me.  We need a banister though:

El sr J falls in love with certain plants at first sight.  He saw a big one of these--a desert rose--for many pesos.  Then he found a smaller one which was much cheaper:

I am thrilled to live in a climate in which I can grow jasmine.

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