Thursday, May 3, 2012


We've moved into our new kitchen/dining room and I'd like to show you photos, but the area is too junked up with furniture from other rooms.  Why?, you might wonder.   Well, the next job is making a bathroom out of the old kitchen, which involves creating a door between the new bathroom and the  adjacent room, the "closet" room.  "Oh no," my sister said, "you're losing your hiding space."  The closet room was the only room with no windows, so I could hide out there when I wanted to get away from the men or get dressed.

Here's the doorway.  Yes, that wall is adobe:  dirt, straw and a few chicken bones.  Trini is about to call for MATERIAL:

The doorway from the other side:

A deep foundation must be dug to support the arched doorway.  If you look closely to the right of the stick at the top of the photo, you can see straw sticking out of the adobe:

And where does all that dirt go?  In the front room to wait for the escombros guys to carry it away:

Adobe has an interesting smell, kind of like garden dirt or a plowed field.  But everybody is coughing from the dust and the guys digging it out put on masks.  Everything in the front room, including a desk and two single bed frames, had to be moved into the new kitchen, as did a few things from the closet room.  My hope is that this stuff won't be around for long because there's no room for the new MATERIAL.

See those plaster covered beams in the ceiling?  They're rotten.  Rotten, as in termite damaged, and we have to replace them.  Trini's calling for more MATERIAL and Sergio can't wait to get at the plumbing:

We've got two new single mattresses coming today so we can sleep in the new kitchen/dining room/bedroom/closet room.

1 comment:

  1. it's gonna be so beautiful. the outdoor stairway look great! the design and colors are lovely. not sure how you guys holding up, though! are you more or less on "schedule?"
    the bonneses had a cinco de mayo fiesta yesterday...very nice!
