Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reason #4 (for retirement in Mexico)

Location, Location, Location!

How do you decide where you want to retire? Maybe you want to stay in the same place you've always lived. You're going to wait til the kids come and take away your car keys and drag you away. Maybe you want to be in a retirement community where the weather's. . . . warm/hot (Florida, Arizona).

I started thinking about this retirement issue when I was in my 50s. I have lived in suburbia, in the country and in a small town. I want an urban setting for retirement. I want to live without a car, go to the symphony and plays, sit in the park and maybe dance there too.

The population of the Mexican city we've chosen is about 1 million. We want to live in the historic centro. We want a place that looks traditional--an open air area in the middle, colorful ceramic tile everywhere, and maybe a little garden out back.

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