Friday, February 10, 2012


At some point, I need to take a break from the theme of construction.  But not quite yet.

Wednesday afternoon Trini, the patrón albañil, told me that we, meaning he and I, have to talk to the neighbors on the south side of our building.  I thought he said that when his men take down our wall, the neighbors' wall would fall down.  ¿Mande?  Repeat, please.  I heard the same thing again, this time with the word adobe.   Apparently their wall is made of adobe only and is held up by our wall, which is not too strong itself.

What to do?  First of all, I wasn't sure I heard Trini correctly.  He's hard for me to understand.  But I knew I wouldn't sleep until I did something.  So Wednesday evening, I went to the neighbors on the north side who I knew were the owners of the property in question.  Gloria and I have a relationship.  She came over and looked at the wall where a big section had been dug out.  She was concerned about the roof caving in.  Holy cow!  She said that Trini and I could come over the next day (Thursday) at noon to explain the problem.  Instead, on Thursday Gloria's husband, Juan, came over and Trini explained what was happening.  Apparently this was something that required a man-to-man discussion.  Meanwhile I had gotten the information from Trini that, no, the roof wouldn't cave in, and no, the whole wall wouldn't fall down, and yes, his crew would fix whatever minor damage was done to the neighbor's wall.  Apparently Trini explained the problem in a way that satisfied Juan that disaster would not ensue.  I'm not entirely convinced yet.  I'll post a photo of whatever happens.

Yesterday we went for a walk to look at different window styles so we could decide what we wanted for the front of the house.  We decided we liked this one:

We passed a convent and el sr J bought some rolls from the nun behind the window:

And now for something entirely different.  The hosts of the Candelaria party had their washer and drier, which were outside on the patio, draped in specially designed waterproof covers.  I had no idea washer covers existed; we had covered ours with a big, unwieldy sheet of black plastic.  But look.  We have one now, too!   Good thing, because it's been raining almost every day.

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