Wednesday, August 29, 2012


We live in a very convivial neighborhood.  We've been taking turns (well, this is our first turn, since the house has been under construction) eating at each other's houses.

Here are Hugo and Silvia, who have a bakery down the street from us:

El sr J made pulled pork barbecue, potato salad, cole slaw, and baked beans, a menu not seen in these parts.  I made red and green salsa and lemon merengue pie.  The food was much admired by Oscar, who lives across the street:

Oscar's wife, Rosa María, with some tapas:

Two Rosa Marías:

Rosa María on the left above is the wife of Franco: 

They live across the street too.

The conversation was animated, fueled by Tío Pepe:

And for the foot fetishist, some lovely shoes were worn:

1 comment:

  1. Hi "jubilados" gracias por esa velada tan agradable dile a mister J que efectivamente estuvo buenísima la cena... Llevare otros zapatos la próxima bye vecinos!!!!
