Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I didn't know the word branca and it's not in the online Spanish-English dictionary, but if you pass the Leche Branca Expendio at the edge of El Tepe market you will see that it means raw or fresh milk:

That's el sr J. on the right.

I'd been planning to purchase some raw milk for making cheese and I thought I would have to bring in some large bottles to transport it home.  Silly me.  Mexicans are nothing if not resourceful.  They put many liquids in plastic bags, including 5 liters of milk:

It's pretty heavy and difficult to pour into a pot.  I had to put the bag into the pot and cut a hole in it.

This is inside the expendio.  The milk is in the galvanized tub ("like one I used to wash the dog in," says el sr J).  The bags are on the table.  Everything looks spic and span.

This is the woman who dips the milk.  She and the cows live in Colorado, a small town nearby.  The milk is 11 pesos a kilo.

Cheese making tomorrow.

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