Thursday, June 2, 2011


Here are the photos I promised of the Querétaro River and the construction of an "urban greenway" along one side of it.  It's a mess right now and Alma and Jean Michel of the bread store are very much affected.  Dust, no parking for customers, difficult walking for pedestrians like us.  It will be nice when finished, however.  Two and a half miles of walkway and maybe bikeway also.  Alma says it should be finished in December.  I hope they can stay in business that long.

This (above) is the bread store side.  The workmen have to provide little bridges to get into the stores.  The city is also fixing up and painting the facades of the stores and homes facing the street.  This makes the job even bigger and longer-lasting and creates even more dust.

These photos were taken from a bridge.  The color of the river reflects its level of pollution.  The greenway would be nicer if the water weren't so sickly green.

When it's windy, a choking, sun-shrouding dust blows around from the construction site.  Today, fortunately, it was clear and calm.  And that projected completion date of December?  You should ask what year.   

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