Monday, December 26, 2011


On December 12 we took a taxi to Plaza Boulevares to get a gas line installed in the new house.  The company that does this is called MaxiGas.  We brought the deed to our house, our FMs, etc.  We signed a contract, paid a small fee, and were told the installers would come by the 16th at the latest.  

The 16th came and went.  I called their 800 number, got a menu, bad music and a 5-minute wait.  I gave the person at the other end of the line the same information we had given at the office.  She said she would look into the matter.  So on the 19th we set off for the office again, figuring that the mal ojo would work better than a phone call.  This time el sr J wanted to see if we could get the X bus from near our new house.  I gave in to him even though when we take that bus we have to get off at the Kentucky Fried Chicken stop and cross major, major highways with vehicles coming from all directions.

Well, the driver went right past KFC and I thought, here we go again, ending up who knows where.  But no!  There was a completely new bus stop and newly installed pedestrian crossings!  With countdown timers and beepers.  Oh, joy!  Now we can go to two major shopping centers on the bus with no fear.

The woman at MaxiGas told us they would come on Friday or Monday and they would call first.  They called on Tuesday and said they would be there at 9am on Monday.  They were only a half hour late this morning.  They worked without pause until 1 pm.  I know I've been calling them MaxiBastards and MaxiPads, but now they are MaxiMightyMen.

This tiny unit below, along with an outdoor charcoal grill, will be our temporary cooking facilities until we build the new kitchen:

It's all hooked up:

Hooked up hot water heater:

The outside meter:

Now, if only the movers come at 11 pm tonight, I will be a happy camper.

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