Wednesday, April 11, 2012


A new series of international films has started up at the Cineteatro Rosalío Solano.  We'd like to see them all, but the need to stay at home for the endless deliveries of cement, etc. is cramping our cineaste style.  Yesterday, since the workers weren't here, we caught one:  Mahler on the Couch (in German with Spanish subtitles).  The subjects portrayed are:
Mahler, of course

His wife, Alma--the "most beautiful woman in Vienna"--19 years younger than Mahler:

And Sigmund Freud:

Mahler needed to talk to Freud because his wife was having an affair with Walter Gropius:

Freud got Mahler to realize that forbidding Alma to compose or do anything besides help him 
 with his career for the ten years of their marriage was probably not a boon to their relationship.
El sr J and I had different interpretations of the marital situation, which led to interesting conversation on the way home and after. 


  1. And the daughter of Walter Gropius, manon, is the girl for whom alban berg wrote his violin concerto.

  2. so the commrnts work afterall.
