Tuesday, April 24, 2012


When the architect, who is mostly absent, does come, he is full of fancy ideas to jazz up the project.  Mostly we reject his ideas.  And if we forget to reject them, Trini usually does.  One thing we forgot to reject was the cornice on the top of the building, and Trini didn't either.  A few days ago the architect brought two long, metal molds and the guys attached them to the top of the building somehow and are pouring cement in them.

After the Saturday kerfuffle with el sr J, the carpenter came back and fixed up his major mistake, a pantry that didn't go all the way to the wall:

He also put some doors on the storage spaces:

Meanwhile, the front room was almost empty of cement, sand, gravel and lime.  Then a knock on the door and the call, "MATERIAL."  "MATERIAL" I yell to Trini and the guys, and now the front room is filled up again.  What for, we wondered.  Well, it looks like the roof is getting another layer of cement:

El sr J is doing the pathways in the garden, spiriting off some of the sand and gravel from the front room.  He's using the stones that used to be on the patio:

I bought a plum tree at market.  Of course I have no idea what variety it is, but it has big thorns.  Can you see those little plums on it?  It's comestible, said the guy standing beside me.  I certainly hope so:

Rosa María, our landlady from the casita, gave us a criollo avocado, which she promises will bear fruit before we die:

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