Thursday, December 16, 2010


el hermano del sr J y su esposa who have just visited Ireland. We couldn't resist visiting this Irish pub since we have so many aficionados of Eire in the family. Yes, the facade is verde, which is what caught our eye when passing it in the taxi. It's just a couple of blocks from our house.

So we walked there for la hora de alegría yesterday.
Here's The Irish flag and a bar's eye view to the street.

I asked the bartender if he was Irish and he said, "No, puro mexicano, azteca."

Nor is the owner Irish, he's Argentine. That partly obscured banner on the upper left is for Estudiantes, an Argentine soccer team.

And yet the green theme abounds. The fireplace could have been brought over from the Ould Sod. We didn't ask if they burned peat. Potatoes were on the menu.

El sr J asked for Irish whiskey, thinking they would have a wide selection. They only had Jameson's. On the other hand, he was impressed with the huge variety of cerveza, although the bulk of it was German and Belgian (not necessarily a bad thing). He was pleased to discover that there is an excellent Mexican microbrew that tastes like Dogfish Head. Here's a view of the cooler:

A very large array, as they would say in Greenbank, WV.

1 comment:

  1. If you like beer, there is a place in Queretaro with a larger set of beer from all over the world, "Beer Depot" in Constituyentes, in front of the McDonalds
