Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This is where we stayed. We had a "bungalow," one of many on (or near) this beach, Playa la Ropa.

It had an alberca, or pool, which we didn't use too much because we like the ocean.

This is the garage and guest entryway.

Do you think the owners are Zetas? Is the ceramic figure La Calavera Catrina or Santa Muerte, the patron saint of los Zetas? You decide.

But back to the vacation.

Where we ate.

5 puntos for identifying the yellow (and black) bird "up high in banana tree." (Have at it, Mimi.)

We will give this place a bad rating on Trip Advisor. Hot water was sporadic. We had to ask the maid for ice cube trays and a knife! The kitchen had no microwave, toaster, strainer, corkscrew, etc. But we're used to adapting to circumstances and had some wonderful meals anyway.

Over the weekend a "RENTAME" bus rolled in with about 20 students from Mexico City. Like their American counterparts, they drank a lot of beer (Indio), stayed up late, and were loud. The dueƱa of the place said the next day, "hay mucho movimiento," a euphemism I thought was interesting. We tried to be as tolerant as the non-complaining Canadians, whose room was much closer to the hubbub, but we did decide to produce some "movimiento" ourselves as we walked by their windows at 9 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. (mexican bird book arrived today.) it looks like a yellow winged mexican cacique. did you notice a strong musk odor by any chance?
