Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Remember the yarn store?  Hilos, estambres?  Well, over the past month I bought a lot of this yarn:

100% cotton

And here is what I made with it:

I just have to put a border on with the leftover yarn and work in all those loose ends.  Then it will be ready to keep Mimi or Alain warmish (but not too) at night.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! looks muy cozy! love the colors. crochet, right? i think we will sleep well there. it's going to be great to get away from it all for a week. let us know what else you miss that will fit in a carry-on bag. a book you wish you had brought? a pie plate? a tart pan? a hard-to-find spice? a cosmetic? let us know if you think of anything. we can't wait. it's getting a little spring-like around here. the ground is showing, for one thing. 60 degrees today and yesterday.
