Monday, April 11, 2011


On Sunday mornings we usually go for a stroll around the centro.  Not much traffic on the streets or sidewalks, and the air is clear and cool.  Here is the dome of one of the many churches in the city.

And the bi-lingual marker with its name and history.

Our internet service was down all day.  How did we ever live without the internet?  It's like water and electricity--when they're out you think you can't survive.  In the evening we took our laptop to four different plazas in town that offer free wifi, but the music in them was so loud that there was no way we could do our usual Sunday Skyping of relatives.  This morning the modem cured itself and we're up and running again.  Maybe the modem was out for a Sunday stroll, too.

1 comment:

  1. We didn't have internet when we first moved here and were forever driving around looking for internet cafes.... Used to park in front and get online when they were closed LOL
