Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Oh, Arnold, how could you!  

There are been so many powerful men behaving badly these days that I'm going to have to digress from my Mexico themes and think about them now.

I've always argued that Americans need to have a more nuanced evaluation of sexual peccadilloes and sexual offenses.  How about a point system?

Here goes:

Unprotected sex.  You fathered a child! -10pts.
Sex in the family's home.  (I'm assuming) And your wife's children live there! -5 pts.
Sex with your employee.  Bad form.  -2 pts.
You waited ten years to blab?  Worse form.  -3 pts.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, alleged rapist

Is oral sex sex?  (See Bill Clinton) -1 pt.
It's still unprotected! (I'm assuming)  -10 pts.
You're a somebody; she's a nobody (see various sports star alleged rapists).  Good for you, but no points from me.
Are there witnesses? (if so, -100 pts.)
Bad hotel behavior.  -5
You're French.  You probably think most sex is normal and public life should be separate from private life.  +2
I'll re-evaluate when we know more.

John Ensign

Your employee and best friend's wife? -10 pts.
Mr. family values man, you're a hypocrite.  -10 pts.
You paid bribes to get out of it.  -10 pts.
You got your kids and parents involved.  -10 pts.

John Edwards

Another unprotected sex guy.  -10pts.
Your wife had cancer.  -10
You lied about it, but eventually acknowledged your child  -5
You asked somebody else to take the rap.  -10
You were running for President!  -5

Eliot Spitzer

Sex with a prostitute.  If you're going to do it, this is the way to go, IMHO.  +5 pts.
You paid way too much for it.  -2
You manned up to it pretty fast.  +5

Strom Thurmond

You're a racist.  -20
And yet, you had sex with the black help.  We're not sure how the word "consensual" applies here.  -10
Unprotected sex.  She had a child.  -10
You didn't acknowledge your child.  -10

Thomas Jefferson

Well, I had to include a founding "father," didn't I.  As we all know, this business didn't start yesterday.

Unprotected sex.  But it doesn't count in the 18th century.  
We don't know if it was consensual or not, but
Sally Hemings was your slave.  -20
You didn't acknowledge your children.  -10
You kept so quiet about it that those old history profs at UVA didn't believe it until there was DNA proof, and even then they doubted.  -5

And there are so many more.  This is just a sampling.  Let's add up the scores:

Arnold:  -20
Strauss-Kahn:  -14 (because we don't know the whole story yet)
Ensign:  -40
Edwards:  -40
Spitzer:  +8
Thurmond:  -50
Jefferson:  -35

Other opinions?  Discussion?

1 comment:

  1. No one wants to touch this subject with a 10-foot, ahem, pole? What can one say? Of course, I always feel bad for the wife and am glad I am not in her high heels. It helps a male politician's chances of getting elected if he is married. Perhaps a law should be passed so that only single men can run for office.
