Thursday, September 29, 2011


Waiting.  Hoping.  What do you do while you're waiting and hoping to settle on a house?  While the seller is waiting and hoping for the exchange rate to become more favorable for her?

El sr J makes plans for our new kitchen:

I'm crocheting down my yarn stash.   After ruminating for a while about what to make, I decided on some pillows.  I found a shop that sells upholstery supplies.  I didn't know the word for pillow stuffing, so I looked it up in my on-line dictionary.  Unclear.  Could it possibly be the same word as in chiles rellenos?  I asked the clerk if they had relleno for pillows and waited for her confused expression.  Instead, she turned around, went into a room and came out with samples of three different kinds.  I bought the kind that feels like cotton candy, but el sr J is reluctant to touch because it may contain some nasty chemicals.  I bought a kilo, which turned out to be a very big bagful. 

So here are the pillows.  They don't really match each other or anything else, but they've kept me busy.




Back and side:



If the house business isn't settled soon, I'm afraid I'll smother us in pillows and all those kitchen plans will have been for naught.

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