Sunday, July 15, 2012


Luis, the blacksmith, has made all our doors and windows--a lot of them.  And, unlike many here, they have screens (except for the ones in the front of the house--not allowed by the historical accuracy police):

Starting at the back of the house, here is the door for the storage space under the stairs:

The back door to the dining room seen from the patio:

From the inside:

The dining room window from the outside:

And from the inside:

The kitchen door from the outside:

And from the inside:

The guest bathroom door:

This door presented a problem.  Luis didn't want to put a screened window in it, but el sr J insisted that a screen was necessary for ventilation.  So instead of a pushrod to open the upper window, which might put someone's eye out, the screen is in a hinged frame that opens to the inside, and the awning window pushes out:

You may remember the "mother of all doors" that Luis made for us first.
From the patio:

From the inside, which is the back room of the main part of the house.  We don't know what we're using this room for yet:

The front door is not installed yet.  It arrived Saturday:

The front window is hiding panelessly in back of the door:

The grille for in front of the window is behind all the ladders in the front room:

The grille for the door is installed:

As you can see, the men have started to scrape the front of the house.  One more week? 

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